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To: warlord@MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: Request for Mailer Scripts
Newsgroups: alt.security.pgp
In-Reply-To: <WARLORD.93Feb28225941@toxicwaste.mit.edu>
Organization: Little to None
Message-Id: <9303022351.AA17838@colnet.cmhnet.org>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 93 23:51:30 EST (-0500)
From: res@colnet.cmhnet.org (Rob Stampfli)
In article <WARLORD.93Feb28225941@toxicwaste.mit.edu> you write:
>I am trying to collect mailer scripts for use with PGP! Basically, if
>you have written a script to integrate PGP into some mailer, mailer
>agent, mail reader, news reader, or anything like that, please send me
>a copy of the script, any documentation you may have, and instructions
>for use.
Here is a shellscript that I use with the "mailx" mailer to send encrypted
messages under Unix. Basically, to use this script, I have the following
command in my .mailrc file: "set sendmail=/the/full/path/name/to/this/script"
This has the effect of causing mailx to invoke the script, rather then
/bin/mail as the Unix mailer. In this respect, it can be used by any mailer
that can be made to pass off the to-be-mailed message to a script rather
than the /bin/mail program. The script is written for the Korn Shell,
although it would be fairly trivial to modify it to work with the standard
Bourne Shell. It looks for two special mail "addresses":
The first form "enc=pgp_identifier" or "encrypt=pgp_identifier" specifies
that the pgp public key uniquely identified by <pgp_identifier> be used to
encrypt the message. The second "sig=pgp_identifier" specifies that the
secret key identified by <pgp_identifier> be used to sign the message.
Either or both can be used. If enc is given, the message is encrypted,
optionally signed, ascii armored and delivered to the real mailer for
distribution. If only sig is given, the message is signed in +clearsig
mode and the result passed on. In any case, the header is exempt from
the process and is passed on intact.
To send an encrypted message, address the mail to both the recipient and
the mail address "enc=pgp_identifier". Ditto to sign a message. Mailx
allows use of a "bcc: " field (Blind copy-to), so the enc= or sig= can
be optionally specified there.
There are a few gotchas: Since pgp grabs the first key that matches
the pgp_identifier, you can encrypt to the wrong key if you specify
pgp_identifier too loosely. Also, if you break out of the script, it
delivers a null message.
Without further ado, here is the script:
# This script is invoked by adding the line "set sendmail=pgpmail" to your
# .mailrc file. mailx then invokes pgpmail instead of /bin/mail to deliver
# email. This script checks whether encryption, a signature, or both are
# specified, and automatically performs whatever is required.
# Modified 6-Mar-93 by warlord@MIT.EDU to include multiple recipients
trap "" 1 2 3 # req'd since this can run in bg
exec 2>/dev/tty # can be "exec 2>/dev/null"
nl="" en="" sg=""
for i # for each argument...
case "$i" in # look for encryption specifier...
# Unclear this will work
# *encrypt=*) en="`sed 's/.*=//'`" # this line req'd if SHELL=sh
*encrypt=*) en="$en ${i#*=}";; # this line is faster if SHELL=ksh
*enc=*) en="$en ${i#*=}";; # this line is faster if SHELL=ksh
*sig=*) sg="${i#*=}";; # a pgp signature specification...
*) nl="$nl $i";; # a real mail address...
[ X = "X$en" -a X = "X$sg" ] && exec /bin/rmail "$@" # not a pgp request
[ Xy = "X$sg" -o Xyes = "X$sg" ] && sg="Robert E. Stampfli" # just for me...
# If we get here, encryption or sig *was* specified:
OIFS="$IFS" # needed to preserve tabs in header
while read x # read and process header intact
print - "$x" # ksh only -- for sh, use echo
[ X = "X$x" ] && break
IFS="$OIFS" # reset field separators
if [ X = "X$sg" ]; then # no signature specified:
pgp -feat "$en" # encrypt the message...
elif [ X = "X$en" ]; then # no encrypt specified:
sed -e 's/^From />From /' | # pre-convert mail glitcher...
pgp -fast +clearsig=on -u "$sg" # sign msg in MIC-CLEAR mode...
else # both encrypt and sig specified:
pgp -feast "$en" -u "$sg" # encrypt and sign armored...
echo "Encryption phase completed" 1>&2
) | /bin/rmail $nl
Rob Stampfli rob@colnet.cmhnet.org The neat thing about standards:
614-864-9377 HAM RADIO: kd8wk@n8jyv.oh There are so many to choose from.